During this week our senses have been awakened to the sights and sounds that surround us in all of Creation. Mid April is our remembrance of Earth. I find it curious that we set aside ONE day to remember our Mother – just ONE?
I guess it is a lot like Mother’s Day. How can I remember my Mother for just one day out of 365? Well we know this is an absurd question and more absurd thought. Mom is mom everyday. And for those who are fortunate to have their mother alive and well, there is simply no way that One day a year would ever suffice for honoring.
My Mother died rather suddenly this past year and I have been living the grief that comes with losing a Mother who was also a best friend. When I think about it, I think that the relationship is really very much the same with my Earth Mother.
Every day I walk on her and depend upon her for food and shelter. She supports me and makes me smile when I see the colorful blooms of spring and the vibrant little buds of red and green getting ready to burst.
I peek out each night to watch the gorgeous black and white skunk who likes to feed after dark under the bird feeder. Sometimes when he looks up I wave and smile. He thanks me for the food by continuing to forage without a stinky display of power!
Sometimes there’s a large bunny, sometimes a possum, sometimes a groundhog. I love to look out to see who is visiting each night.
I love Earth Mother. I sing to her. I go to the back yard and sit on my prayer bench and hold her in my heart. I face East and sing to the rising Sun. I hug Grandfather tree and am so thankful for his energy and his protection. And then the Wind comes and kisses me on the cheek and I smile a knowing smile.
If Earth Mother would die suddenly, like my Biological Mother did, I would have nothing left and neither would you. Grief would never be sufficient for such a tragedy and yet we are some how allowing her to die bit by bit.
One day out of 365 will never do. We must honor and care for this Mother everyday of the year and show gratitude for all the myriad of blessings she provides without question.
At the end of this week we will share a Friday Gathering, April 24th, and recall what it means to not only honor Earth, but also to be a part of her. For you and me to live vital lives requires that she be constantly nourished in vital ways.
Question is: How are we doing the other 364 days?
Coming Friday ?
Celebrate Spring - Wear something green or the color of spring flowers,
See you then,
Pastor Carol