Thursday, May 31, 2018

INTO the DESERT 2018 - Part III of V

Into the Desert 2018
carol p. vaccariello, dmin., lpc

Last year I submitted a painting of Raven for a women’s art show: Transformative Journey 
There are many stories about Raven. She has shown herself in various cultures. There are stories about White and Black Ravens. About how she was transformed from White to Black in an act of life-giving love. Native Americans have collections of Raven stories. One popular story with numerous variations is, How Raven Stole the Sun.

Transformative Journey

This year I submitted “Raven #1: Zentangle and Haiku”

Zentangle is an advanced form of meditative doodling, a stress reducing prayer form.

I enjoy writing Haiku, a meditative rhythmic pattern repeating  5, 7, 5 syllables.

“Raven #1” is comprised of nine individual Zentangles strung together with 17 verses of Haiku.
The two mediums complement one another in the following piece: “Raven #1: Zentangle and Haiku”

Read me aloud please
Slowly and thoughtfully place
Each word on your tongue

I thought I was done
Then a doodle is never
Complete on paper

Haiku dancing twirled
Inside my head like Spirit
Hovering gently

Above chaos then
And now sparkling Light once more
In eternal grace

There is always more
To uncover mindless art
Of subtle scribbles

Releasing deep thoughts
Of times gone by and hoped for
In this moment here

You read these white words
Quickly, there’s much to be done
And more to be seen

Encounter it all
Steady and slow, fast furious
This precious moment

Do you know how long
It took to not think out loud
or silent and still?

Counting first to five
And then syllables seven
Always rhyme heaven

Have you got it yet?
The pattern and the patter
All about Raven

When first she appeared
Sitting with her Beloved
Pearlescent white gleams.

She paid Divine price
Acting the creative charge
To gift us FIRE

Content with harsh voice
Stately iridescent black
She, Creatrix, sits

Enthroned in Earthly
Splendor connecting Divine
With awesome wonder:

She and you and me!
Together Divinity
Created splendor!

Go on, take the time
Read me once more, satisfy
Your heart on fire!
Raven is a mythical, magical creature. In one of the Aridian tradition of Italian Witchcraft, Raven is both a messenger and a god. When Raven croaks, calls you, be prepared to receive a message. 

I ‘meet’ Raven in daily meditation. She hovers before me. Sometimes sits on my shoulders. In Tecopa, waiting to purchase fuel, I saw them. two large black birds perched in a palm tree on the opposite side of the road. I inquired, “Are there Ravens in the desert?” “Yes,” he replied, following my gaze into the tall desert palm. Sure-enough, there were two right there. Watching us. Pay attention!

Ravens’ Greeting in Tecopa

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