Monday, June 6, 2016

Co-Creating with the Creator

Dawn Sky on my drive from Medina to Erie, PA
June 4 - Spirit of the Seasons Retreat at Mount Saint Benedict’s Monastery.
I presented Creation Spirituality: Past, Present and Future

When starting my journey from Medina, Ohio to Erie, Pa at 5:30 a.m. on June 4th, I knew that I would be driving directly into the rising sun.  I was headed to Mount Saint Benedicts in Erie to present a one day retreat for the monks and oblates of the community.  I wanted to be able to see when I arrived.  I asked my Angels for some help since driving into a bright blinding fireball would be exhausting and very hard on the eyes.  The Angels lovingly responded through the Universe with beautiful cloud cover that allowed the Sun to shine through in picturesque gentleness.  The remainder of the day was beautiful. Blue sky and glorious sunshine.   One of the classes on co-creating with the Creator went outdoors to take in the beauty all around us on the Monastic grounds.  Nature was our impetus for creating poetry, prayers, chants and circle dances.  Rich and full was the sharing.  Lives
Flowers from the Monastic Gardens near the Main Entrance
were touched by immersion into Nature’s beauty and the presence of Divinity around us and deep within.

What a privilege and honor to share with these amazing souls!  

Do you know how amazing YOU ARE?  You are AMAZING.  Truly AMAZING!

Blessings All,
Pastor Carol 
AKA Flash!
Rev. Dr. Carol Vaccariello, obi. with Sr. Carolyn Gorny-Kopkowski (GK), OSB

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