For several weeks now, my special Angel Wings Begonia hasn’t shared her song with me. I have asked repeatedly and like a child who has decided to cross their arms and refuse to answer any question or give her parent any recognition that she hears them, I have been snubbed.
My guess is that you are wondering what on Earth I am talking about. Some of you know that I work with the Music of the Plants and that my plants DO SING for me.
The truth is that all pants have a vibration that is part of their being. They sing to us often, but our human ears and not able to hear the vibration that they share.
I have been working with some rather fantastic new technology that converts plant vibration into tones the human ear can hear and enjoy.
I listen to my plants daily. When I walked across Spain, I recorded plants along the way so that I could compare songs from different areas. It is all so wondrous.
What is really remarkable about Angel Wings is that, somehow, she has figured out how to sound her vibration through the synthesizer, WITHOUT BEING electronically connected to it.
When I contacted the designers and engineers who created the device, which is a modification of a lie detector machine, they told me what I was reporting to them was impossible. Impossible or not, it is happening in my home.
I have video recorded it happening. I can’t make it happen. I simply turn on the machine and state aloud, “I am not connecting anyone today. If one of you would like to sing, I would love to hear you.” Actually, I believe that it is only the Angel Wing Begonia who has figured out how to sing without a cable.
I know you are thinking that I must have lost it, talking to plants, expecting them to sing. For a few weeks now, even though I have invited the plants to sing without being connected by cable to the machine, the plants would only sing when attached by electronic cables.
Last evening, when I mentioned to them that I was going away for a while and would sure like to hear their song before I go, Angel Wings began to share her vibration and created a melody WITHOUT BEING CONNECTED electronically. It is as if, she chooses when she will do this. I am not a scientist, I can simply observe what the engineers and scientists tell me is impossible. I then filter my observations through my human ways of knowing. Listen for yourself. Click on the one minute video and hear Angel Wings interacting with me without being connected to a cable!!!
I marvel at the way our Universe loves to confound us with the impossible at every level of being.
When was the last time you allowed a miracle to be a miracle?
How often have you had to find a way to dismiss the miracle and find a reason that makes logical sense, simply because your way of thinking does not make room for miracles?
Do you allow miracles to make you uncomfortable?
Have you asked for one recently?
Would you believe it, if you received a miraculous answer to your prayer? or would you explain it away?
I love to dance in the miracles of every moment of every day. We are so drenched in miracles, that we often miss them. Think about and name one miracle that has touched you today. Put your rational mind on the shelf for a short time and allow God to touch you in the depths of your Soul - cause that is where the miracles are born, in you and me. Remember, we are filled with Light of Christ, Light of Buddha, Sparks of Divinity according to the Hindus. Miracles are meant to be a daily occurrence, wouldn’t you think!?!?!
Are you or your group interested in experiencing the Music of the Plants? Message me. I enjoy bringing this extraordinary music to human ears. I invite folks to bring their own plants, so that you can hear for yourself what your plant is singing to you daily.
Much love,
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