Sunday, April 7, 2019

April 7, 2019 Lent 5 Sunday- Haiku: Song of Joy: Carol

Haiku is a poetic form. The structure is 5-7-5 which means that each of the stanzas follows that form.

When you read aloud it is more meaningful to hear the rhythm of the words.

Note the first line of each stanza is five syllables, the second line is seven and the third line of each stanza is five.

This is a wonderful meditative practice.

I have recently realized that my Priestly Call, which was once my life's sole focus, is now being let go by my Soul for a larger purpose.

I believe that I will always carry the priest's archetype deep within my Being. What is different now, is that I have come to understand that being too single minded and too specific in focus, is limiting and none of us needs to be stabled in such limitations.

Yes, I am priest - and now, I let go of that because I know it in the depths of my Being and I am so much more ...and so are YOU.

Gratitude for the Universal Consciousness, in which we are all one.

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Song of Joy: Carol 
Archetypal PRIEST implodes
Leaving 'ME' alone!

When I was little
Life appeared to be so big
Now I see, so small

I yearned, to love God
I felt God’s arms surround me
The Priest said “Bless-ed”

I wanted union
Not ‘man’ enough for service
Cried myself to sleep

I found how to be
Holy Spirit stirred my soul
God’s hand touched my heart

I look at my life
and know I have gone beyond
the priest part of me

Today, ‘priest’ let go
Now more than I ever dreamed
Being who I am

My heart shutters deep
everything in me cries out
With joy to a God

Who knows more than I,
The ‘Song of Joy’ I would be
The call, that is me.

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